The Village of Elkhorn is home to the following places of worship:
Trinity United Church The Trinity United Church seeks to share the good news in word and in action within the community of Elkhorn and in the world. Worship services are held each Sunday (except for August) which blend traditional elements with innovative ideas designed to appeal to people of all ages. Children are most welcome in the services and are free to be children. Sunday School is held from September to June for children after the first 15 minutes of the worship service. There is no dress code. You will be most welcome in jeans and a t-shirt or in your “Sunday” best, whichever you are most comfortable in. Trinity also has a number of educational programs that help children, youth and adults to grow in their faith. There is a Kid’s Club after school for kids in grades 1 – 6 and a Youth Group for grades 6 – 12. There is a Vacation Bible School program each summer for kids ages 4 and up. Adult Bible Study and Spiritual Development programs are held on a regular basis usually for a period of 4 – 6 weeks for each program. Other groups which meet on a regular basis include the United Church Circle and UCW (both women’s groups), the Choir and the Pastoral Care Team. New members are always welcome in any of these groups. For more information about the ministry of Trinity United Church, please contact the Minister at (204) 845-2101 / (204) 845-2110 or ask any of the members.
St. Mark's Anglican Church Services: 3rd Sunday of Month at 2:00 pm (April - October) St. Mark's Anglican Church - Tri-Valley Parish Website
Elkhorn Gospel Fellowship (204) 845-2280
Manson Church of Christ Worship Services are held every 4th Sunday at the Elkhorn Leisure Centre. 10:00 a.m. – Bible Study 11:00 a.m. – Worship Service | ![]() |