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Waterline Locates

A municipal utility locate must be obtained prior to any ground disturbance within the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth. To obtain a municipal utility locate a "Locate Request Form" must be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the project start date. Once the locate request is processed the municipal utility locate will be valid for 15 business days. 

If the project is not started by the end of the validity period, a re-clearance must be requested. A re-clearance can be requested up to 1 year after the original municipal utility locate was received, after 1 year a new Locate Request Form must be submitted. Re-clearances are also valid for 15 business days and may be requested more than once. 

If project approval is required but the work is not planned within the municipal utility locate validity period (15 business days) please submit a "Utility Installation Application". The application will be either approved or a revision will be requested if the proposed project may affect the municipal utility infrastructure. The utility installation application approval IS NOT a municipal utility locate and is only meant to give pre-approval to a project. A Locate Request Form must still be submitted at least 10 business days prior to the project start date. 

Locate Request Forms and Utility Installation Applications can obtained through the links below or picked up at the main R.M. office situated at 154023 P.R. 257, Virden MB (located at the corner of P.T.H. 83 & P.R. 257). Once complete, the form(s) and plan(s) can be submitted by drop off at the main R.M. office or emailed to All requests will be processed within 10 business days of its receipt. Responses may be delayed in the case of emergencies which require all municipal utility staff's resources, in these cases every effort will be made to complete the request as soon as possible. 

Application Guideline:

  • Include the project sites legal land description and/or civic address. Any other details are also appreciated (ex. road numbers, coordinates, etc.).
  • If the project type is not included in the applications list, please describe the project type. 
  • Attach a map, aerial photograph, or sketch of the project. Only plans, drawings, or sketches that include a north arrow and a legend will be accepted. If the project includes the installation of any underground facility the plan must also include the length and desired offset from the property line. If a plan cannot be supplied, the work area must be marked prior to submitting the locate request form OR indicate on the application that an on-site meeting will be required with a municipal utility operator. 

Locate Request Form Link

Utility Installation Application Link