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Two Creeks Cemetery

Two Creeks Cemetery Chapel, 2022Two Creeks Cemetery is situated at NE-31-12-26-W1 on 2 acres of land that was donated by William Morton Sr. in 1905. As a tribute to the pioneers of the Two Creeks District, Morton proposed the building of a church on the cemetery property similar to the one he had attended in England.  A cairn was also erected along the north fence line to honor the pioneers who settled in the district from 1880-1885.

The Two Creeks Cemetery has 420 lots and is maintained by the Two Creeks Cemetery Committee members and volunteers. 

For inquires regarding the Two Creeks Cemetery, contact Mark Morton at 204-567-3524 or or the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth office at 204-748-1239.

Below is an interactive web map of Two Creeks Cemetery.  

If you are viewing from a mobile device, click the link below for a compatible map view.

Interactive Two Creeks Cemetery Web Map for Mobile Viewers