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Breadalbane Cemetery

In 1885 Thomas Frame donated a parcel of his homestead NW 18-11-24-W1 for a cemetery. His son Willie, had died of appendicitis in 1884, consequently became the first person buried there.  

The original gifted plot did not extend to the north boundary of the quarter, and consisted of about 1.8 acres, as shown by the Cemetery map. In 1919, the R.M. purchased an additional area from the Frame's, which, was 0.6 acres on each side of the original plot. This brought the north boundary to the edge of NW 1/4 and the total area to three acres as it is today. 

(Source: History of Lenore and Districts Book, Page 42) 

A galvanized mesh fence replaced the original page wire on the west side in 1967. Three wrought iron gates completed the facelift then. This was a Centennial project.  In 2005, the page wire fence was replaced with a new galvanized mesh fence.   Now three sides of the Cemetery have galvanized mesh fencing.

Annually in the spring, volunteers have a work "bee" to improve the appearance of the Cemetery.      

For any inquiries regarding Breadalbane Cemetery, please contact Garry Draper at 204-838-2135 or

Below is an interactive web map of Breadalbane Cemetery. If you are viewing from a mobile device, please click the link below for a compatible web map.

Interactive Breadalbane Cemetery Web Map for Mobile Viewers