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Weed Control

The Wallace Weed Control District is responsible for weed control on municipal property in the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth and for enforcing The Noxious Weeds Act on all other properties in the municipality.  Multiple weed control methods are considered: pesticide/herbicide application (spraying); mowing; and hand cutting. 

What pesticides are used by the District? 

A Public Notice is published every year identifying what pesticides may be used for specific types of work.

2024 Public Notice

I don’t want pesticides sprayed near my property. Is this possible?

The municipality has a No Spray Program Application Form that can be filled out and submitted to the R.M. office. 

Any property owner can officially register a pesticide ­exclusion zone around their property annually with Manitoba Sustainable Development:

Manitoba Sustainable Development
Environmental Approvals Branch
1007 Century Street
Winnipeg MB R3H 0W4

Who is responsible for noxious weed control?

The Noxious Weeds Act states that weed control is the responsibility of owners and occupiers of property, although it can require equipment rental or the hiring of professional contractors. Methods of controlling some noxious weeds may be as simple as mowing or cultivating before weeds go to seed; other times, applying an appropriate approved herbicide may be necessary. 

Sec. 3 of The Noxious Weeds Act states: 

Responsibility to destroy or control noxious weeds

3(1) A person must

(a) destroy all tier 1 noxious weeds that are on land that the person owns or occupies;

(b) destroy all tier 2 noxious weeds that are on land that the person owns or occupies if the area colonized by the weeds is less than 20 acres;

(c) control all tier 2 noxious weeds that are on land that the person owns or occupies if the area colonized by the weeds is 20 acres or more; and

(d) control a tier 3 noxious weed that is on land that the person owns or occupies if the weed's uncontrolled growth or spread is likely to negatively affect an aspect of Manitoba's economy or environment in the area of the land or the well-being of residents in proximity to the land.

The control of noxious weeds is the responsibility of all landowners, including:

  • Farmers: conventional & organic
  • Construction
  • Industry: Hydro, Oil & Gas, etc.
  • Railways
  • Governments: Municipal, Provincial & Federal
  • Rights-of-way, crown land, parks, etc.

Weed Control Enforcement under the Noxious Weeds Act

The municipality assigns a Noxious Weed Inspector under the Noxious Weeds Act.

  1. A complaint of noxious weeds is made
  2. The weed supervisor determines if an offense has occurred under the Noxious Weeds Act
  3. A notice is issued to the property owner, occupier or agent requiring the weeds listed be destroyed or controlled
  4. A date of expected compliance is listed, after which, the Weed District Staff or a sub-contractor may enter the property to control the weeds of concern.
  5. Costs incurred for weed control are directed to the owner listed on the tax roll, and can be collected via municipal property taxes.

Sec. 22 and 23 of The Noxious Weeds Act state: 

Right of entry and inspection

Sec. 22:  For the purpose of performing his or her duties and exercising the powers under this Act, every noxious weeds inspector or sub-inspector or every person charged with the enforcement of this Act, may, without the consent of the owner or occupant and without being subject to any action for trespass or damages for any action taken under this section,

(a) enter upon and inspect any land, construction work, earthwork or premises, other than a dwelling house;

(b) inspect any crops, hay, fodder, grain, seeds, or screenings; and

(c) inspect any machinery, elevator, mill, implement, or vehicle.

Liability for work done

Sec. 23:  Where an inspector, or sub-inspector, acting in good faith under this Act, cuts down or destroys any crop or a part thereof or takes other steps to destroy or control noxious weeds therein, or causes the work to be done under his direction; or causes any other damage or injury to persons or property of any kind, unless the work is done negligently, no action, claim, or suit shall be brought, made, allowed, or sustained against the inspector or sub-inspector, or any person acting under his direction, or against the municipality, or any member of the council thereof, or against any person appointed by council under this Act.


List of Noxious Weeds in Manitoba 
FAQs and Control of Noxious Weeds

Pesticide Emergency Resources: 

If you suspect exposure to spray chemicals and is need of medical attention,

  • Call 911 for emergencies and physical exposure 
  • Call 1-855-776-4766 for Manitoba Poison Centre: Provides 24/7 access to a team of doctors, nurses and other poison experts via a toll-free phone number. Provides specialized information and treatment recommendations related to chemical, biological, pharmaceutical, and environmental poisoning and exposure.
  • Call (204) 944-4888 for Manitoba Sustainable Development – Manitoba Conservation: A 24-hour reporting line for environmental emergencies. The Emergency Team responds to releases or potential releases of contaminants that may have a detrimental effect on the physical environment or public health. The Manitoba Emergency Plan identifies Manitoba Conservation as the lead provincial agency for dangerous goods incidents.