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The R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth has 12 district cemeteries throughout the municipality. These cemeteries are located on R.M. owned land but operated by district committee members and volunteers. 

These include:

Bennett Cemetery: NE-33-11-26-W1Bennett Cemetery, September 2020

Breadalbane Cemetery: NW-18-11-24-W1

Elkhorn Cemetery: SE-33-11-28-W1

Greenwood Cemetery: SE-16-12-23-W1

Hargrave Cemetery: NE-11-11-27-W1

Johnston Cemetery: NE-29-10-24-W1

Kinsmore Cemetery: NE-29-12-24-W1

Kola Anglican Church of the Advent Cemetery: NE-13-10-29-W1

Kola Evangelical Mennonite Church Cemetery: SE-21-10-29-W1

Shiloh Cemetery: NW-16-11-23-W1

Two Creeks Cemetery: NE-31-12-26-W1

Woodville Cemetery: NE-32-10-29-W1