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Greenwood Cemetery

Headstone erected to mark the original location of Bradwardine Methodist Church, 2022Greenwood Cemetery is situated at SE-16-12-23-W1.  After district meetings, a land parcel was purchased from G. Clenndenning in 1890 and the first cemetery lots were sold.  An additional 0.5 acre of land adjacent to Greenwood Cemetery was purchased in 1903, while another 1.5 acres to the west was purchased in 1954.

It was on this property that the Bradwardine Methodist Church was later constructed in the fall of 1892.  In 1905, the sites were moved from the Greenwood Cemetery to Harding by horses. Click here for more information about the Bradwardine Methodist Church.

A motion to turn the Greenwood Cemetery land to the RM of Woodworth was carried in July 1955.

For any inquiries regarding Greenwood Cemetery, call the the Greenwood Cemetery Committee Member, Blair Fordyce at 204-838-2125.

Greenwood Cemetery will be acquiring a columbarium to house urns of your loved ones, to be located along the west end of the cemetery. Niches or drawers are available for sale at this time. Each niche can hold 2 urns, although single urn purchases are possible. For more information on pricing and availability, please call Blair Fordyce.

Below is an interactive web map of Greenwood Cemetery.

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Interactive Greenwood Cemetery Web Map for Mobile Devices