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Strategic Plan

R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth  

Community Strategic Plan 


We Need Your Input 

to Help Council Build a Strategic Plan 

For our Future!!


The Council of the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth is in the process of building a Community Strategic Plan and we want to hear from residents, property owners, the business community, and all stakeholders.  


Between September 16 and October 18, 2024, the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth will be sharing a community survey online and in the mail for your input. The purpose of this survey is to understand how residents and property owners feel about the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth as part of our Strategic Planning initiative that is being undertaken by the R.M. Council.  Council has engaged GovFox Municipal Consulting, an independent consulting firm, to facilitate the Strategic Planning process.


On October 4 and October 5, three community focus groups will be held at different locations in our community to provide an opportunity to share your input in person.  More details will be shared soon regarding the locations and times.  Your ideas and priorities are important to us and the future of Wallace-Woodworth.  In taking a few minutes to respond to the survey and attend one of the three community focus groups, you will help build the Strategic Plan for our Community, improve the quality of life for our residents and contribute to a sustainable, thriving region.  

With your input and approval from Council, the Community Strategic Plan will be a guiding document for Council, administration, and staff for the next five to ten years.  The plan will identify areas of focus, strategies, and priorities that will help us meet the needs of our community.  Strategic planning ensures we make the best decisions with limited resources and focus your tax dollars where they’re needed most. 

Have your voice heard!
Complete the online survey and attend one of our three focus groups in October.

Stay tuned for more updates and a link to our Community Strategic Plan survey!!  

Together let’s create a strong plan that reflects the ideas and values of our community! 

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