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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Strategic Plan? 
Strategic Plans provide the roadmap for a community, outlining the vision, goals, and strategic priorities. The R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth Community Strategic Plan will identify the community’s strategic priorities for the next five to ten years, things we know are important to everyone in the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth.

Why is the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth developing a Community Strategic Plan?
There are a lot of challenges facing our community and we want to be sure to put our focus and resources in the areas that make the most sense to the residents, property owners, and businesses of the community. It is a balancing act to encourage and manage growth and long-term sustainability, while trying to keep things affordable. By developing a plan, as a community, we can all work together to ensure the R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth remains a great place to live, work, and play.

What is being considered in developing the Community Strategic Plan? 
Input from members of the public, property owners, key industries / employers, municipal staff, and Council will be considered in the development of the plan.  Additionally, the R.M. will consider information included in various municipal plans.

What is included in public engagement? 
Members of the public will be asked to provide input on what they love about our community and what they believe should be priorities for Council in the next five to ten years.  Three Community Focus Groups will be scheduled in October.  Stay tuned for details on locations, dates, and times.   Everyone is welcome to attend and share their ideas and input!  

In addition, there will be an online and mailed Community Survey that will be open between September 16 & October 18, 2024.   The survey provides structured and open-ended questions to ensure you have every opportunity to share what matters most to you as a valued member of this community. 

How are decisions made for the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan? 
The Municipal Council is responsible for setting the vision, goals and priorities that will meet the needs of the community and are guided by recommendations from administration, staff, and input from all community stakeholders. Council will hold a Strategic Planning session in November 2024, to review the input gathered from the public engagement process and will rely on your input to help them set the goals and priorities that will make up the plan.

What are the next steps following public engagement?
Following completion of the survey, focus groups and Council strategic planning session, and once approved by Council, the final R.M. of Wallace-Woodworth Community Strategic Plan report will be shared with the community.  The final report will be posted on our website for all community members to access in December 2024.  Thank you in advance for sharing your input and ideas with Council! 

Stay tuned for more information and updates!